Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tetrinet-X scores on a webpage

My home server (saladrex, FreeBSD machine) is now running a TetriNET server (tetrinet-x). Today I have written a small script which parses the game.winlist file the TetriNET server produces and displays it as HTML you design. Generally it does the following:
  1. Blindly sending a 'header.htm' to the client.
  2. Reading and parsing the score file.
  3. Sending out the content of a 'bit.htm' for each score field, and replacing $name with the name of the score holder and $score with the score value.
  4. Blindly sending a 'footer.html' to the client.
So far it can only cover one winlist file. Though I am working on it! Tested on IIS and Apache 2; and sorry for the missing help file: Too lazy!

Download (Sample HTML/CSS included)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

flv2mpg utility

I have written a small but useful utility today: A perl script which tries to convert flash video files (.flv) specified via the command line to mpg files. The script uses ffmpeg do accomplish its task. I tested it both with the ffmpeg which is in the FreeBSD ports, and with a 'ffmpeg.exe' (win32 obviously) I downloaded somewhere. It is really useful when it comes to convert YouTube videos:

flv2mpg - with ffmpeg.exe (Win32)

Monday, March 19, 2007

OpenBSD T-Shirt

Wow, it's finally here. And it looks awesome! Here are some pictures:

And I got the following:
  • Puffy transparent sticker.
  • A flyer for the OpenCON 2007 on 30th of November.
  • Flyer for the Chaos Communication Camp 2007
  • ... and a flyer for the EuroBSDCon 2007
I definitely try to come the latter two.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

XSS on Aon.At

I recently discovered an XSS security hole on my ISPs website: It can be used to create a "type 1" XSS attack against their search engine: POC. My email explaining my exposure has been accepted friendly by their support:

Thank you for informing us directly. After we have checked your link and/or input data ourselfs, we totally agree with the existence of this issue. We have redirected this issue it to our local administration. We will try to react to it as fast as possible.

Good work guys, and good luck.
P.S: @Aon Support: Please stop writing HTML emails. My spine shivers to the thought that YOU guys send out HTML emails. ;-) Just kidding!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Hey, final tests today. I made it up 70% without learning anything. Cool ey? The others haven't learned anything either, though they have cheated and were thus possible to reach the 90% percent (and above). I did not cheat at all and reached 70% without learning anything. Yeah, I am proud of it.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Chat functionality almost complete.

I have written public methods for leaving a room and for sending a room message today. The receiving of room messages also works now, and the LoneSeekGUI project (my test application) shows how to use it! The only things which are missing missing by now, are:
  • Room tickers (not really important though)
  • Private messages (they are important)
  • And the notifications when someone leaves/joines a room where you are in (important too, since I have to keep the user list in sync).
Good new stuff, isn't it? :). I also made some improvements on LoneChat (the IRC alike SoulSeek chat client), though it is not yet usable.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Even more LoneSeek improvements.

While our teacher explained the inner workings of Oracle 10g today, I made some improvements. And I introduced so many new features! Like joining a chatroom (it now works), and storing all users of the chatroom in a list. There is also code for sending/retrieving chat messages and leaving a chatroom behind the scenes, though they lack a public method. By the way, I also found out how to read the tickers of a room; I have updated my protocol documentation with a section explaining how to get the tickers for a room. Last but not least: My source code is in the BerliOS SVN repository.